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Travel Assistance

This page contains information and advice about home to school travel assistance, including how to make an application.

A child or young person does not need an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to be eligible for transport.

Children of compulsory school age qualify for free school transport if they go to their nearest suitable school and any of the following apply:

  • the school is more than 2 miles away and the child is under 8
  • the school is more than 3 miles away and the child is 8 or over
  • there’s no safe walking route between their home and school
  • they cannot walk there because of their special educational needs or disabilities or a mobility problem

If your child does not qualify for free school transport for these reasons, they may still qualify if you have a low family income.

If your child/young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and it has been agreed that travel assistance is to be provided, SEND Travel Assistance will work with your SEN Officer and school to ensure that the form of travel assistance offered supports the outcomes that have been agreed. This will be reviewed on a yearly basis, or earlier, if there are any changes to your child/young person’s SEN needs, address, provision or placement.

Click the link below to visit the Royal Greenwich Travel Assistance page to check eligibility and complete the application.

Application for Travel Assistance

If you wish to appeal against the decision not offer travel assistance, you can complete the form below. You should also complete this form if travel assistance has been offered, but you wish to appeal against the proposed arrangements or changes to existing arrangements. Your appeal must be submitted within 28 days of receiving the decision letter.

Travel Assistance Appeal Form


Home to school travel assistance | Royal Borough of Greenwich (

Transport to school or college for children and young people with SEND (

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