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Exclusion from School

Exclusion or suspension from school means that a child is not allowed in school for disciplinary reasons. Only head teachers can exclude or suspend your child if they misbehave inside or outside of the school.

All schools have a behaviour policy, which lists the rules of conduct for pupils before and after school as well as during the school day. This can be found on the school website, or you can request a copy from school

There are two kinds of exclusion, fixed term exclusion (suspension– for a specified number of days) and permanent exclusion.

When a school decides to temporarily remove your child from the school. This can be from half a day (lunch time exclusions are counted as a half day exclusion) and school should set and mark work for the first five days. If the exclusion is for longer than 5 days, the school must arrange suitable full-time education. Under a Fixed Term Exclusion the school can only remove a child for up to 45 school days in a year (September to July) even if the child has changed schools.

When a school decides to remove the child from the school roll and they are no longer able to attend. The decision should only be taken when all of the following reasons are present:

In response to a serious breach, or persistent breach of school’s behaviour policy

When a range of different options have been tried and have failed

Where allowing the child to remain in the school would seriously harm the education or safety of pupils or others in school

Exclusions that are not formally recorded are known as ‘informal’ or ‘unofficial’ exclusions and are unlawful. If a child or a young person is sent home to ‘cool off’, even if parent/carer agrees, it is still unlawful. In order for an exclusion to be considered lawful, the school must follow the formal process including writing to inform parent/carers of the exclusion and their rights.

Greenwich School Exclusions - information from the Royal Greenwich website

Royal Borough of Greenwich Best Practice Guidance for Schools on the Use of Reduced Educational Provision (Part-time Timetables)

Communities Empowerment Network - CEN provides advice, support and representation following school exclusions

Child Law Advice - School Exclusions

IPSEA's Exclusion Factsheet

Exclusion Resources - Council for Disabled Children