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Finding Support: Greenwich Local Offer
What is the Greenwich Local Offer?
The Greenwich Local Offer is a website that has information on support and services both in and outside the local area.
The Local Offer is for:
- children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities
- their parents or carers
- practitioners and professionals.
The Greenwich Local Offer must give you information about the support that you should be able to get in your area.
What information can I find on the Local Offer?
The Greenwich Local Offer lists services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in the borough across:
- Education
- Transport
- Preparing for adulthood
- Training and employment
- Health and Social Care
- Leisure and things to do
You can help make the Local Offer better
The local authority must ask you what it should put in the Local Offer. You can tell your local authority what you think about it. They must show everyone what people have said and explain how they are going to make it better.
Your Local Offer is on your local authority website. If you cannot get on the website then they should give you written information, like a leaflet.
Visit the Greenwich Local Offer