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About Us

Who we are

Our statutory duty is to provide factual and unbiased Special Educational Needs and Disability information; advice and support to Young People, children and Parents aged 0-25.

SENDIASS provides a free all year-round service on the full range of education, health and social care issues as defined in the 2015 Special Educational needs Code of Practice and the National IASP set of Quality Standards.

Our goal is to provide a high quality, bespoke, impartial and confidential service to ensure that our service users are at the heart of decision-making processes and are fully informed of their options and rights that affect their lives.



All SENDIAS services are part of the Information Advice and Support Service programme which is overseen by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC). The CDC ensure that we deliver a consistent service and are working with the Local authority to meet the IASS Minimum standards.

For more information on the CDC and the IASS click the link below.Who we are (



The SENDIASS team enjoys training opportunities from a range of providers inside the Royal borough of Greenwich and without. SENDIASS officers receive regular training from the CDC and the London Regional Information Advice and Support Service Council (LIRAS) as well as the requirement to complete all three Levels of IPSEA’s Legal training on SEND Law.