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Post 16

For many young people with SEND, changes and going to new places can be challenging, so it’s important to start planning as early as possible. There are lots of strategies, techniques and support that can be given to help children and young people with SEND transition in to their new environments.

Young people should be supported to take part in discussions about their future, their needs, and the support that they think they will need. Support should be aimed at promoting student independence and enabling the young person to make good progress towards employment and/or higher education, independent living, good health and participating in the community.

If you have an EHCP, take a look at our Annual Review page and Transitions with an EHCP

See the Department for Education's video on Post 16 Transition:

Information on Post 16 options in Greenwich can be found on the Greenwich website.

Royal Greenwich - Targeted Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) offer advice and guidance to specific groups of young people between 13 and 19 (or up to 25 for those with SEND) living in Royal Greenwich.

You can find out more about the service here.

The Local Offer also has a section on Preparing for Adulthood where you can find information on:

  • Social care support
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Supported living
  • Health


Here is a list of resources that can be used to support you with planning and preparing for adulthood:

Planning My Future Life Booklet (Editable)

Planning My Future Life Booklet (Printable)

Planning My Future Life Booklet - Helpful Tools

One Page Profile (Editable)

One Page Profile (Printable)

IPSEA - Young People - Getting extra support with learning

IPSEA - Parent/Carers - Getting the help you need for 16-25 year olds

Contact - Getting extra help in education for 19-25 year olds

Find higher education opportunities if you have SEND | Greenwich Community Directory

Support to move into adulthood | Greenwich Community Directory

Education beyond 16 | Contact

Preparing For Adulthood -Council for Disabled Children

Post 16 options | National Careers Service

Preparing for Adulthood - NDTi