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Annual Reviews
An EHCP must be reviewed at least once a year by the local authority (LA). This is to ensure it stays up-to-date and continues to provide the support the child or young person needs.
Annual reviews are typically held at the nursery/school/college the child or young person attends. Invitations to attend the AR are sent to:
- parent/carer or young person
- SEND Case Officer
- Health care professional
- Social Worker
- And any other relevant professionals
Within 2 weeks of the annual review meeting, the paperwork should be circulated to everyone that had been invited.
The Local Authority must make a decision within 4 weeks of the annual review meeting. There are only three decisions the LA can make:
- To maintain the EHC plan in its current format (not make any changes);
- To amend the EHC plan;
- To cease the EHC plan if they think it is no longer necessary for it to be in place
If the LA decides not to make any changes, you can appeal to try to get changes made to the EHC plan.
If the LA has decided to amend the EHC plan, you can appeal once you have been sent the final amended EHC plan.
IPSEA's Annual Review Checklist
Transition to Primary/Secondary
If the child or young person is coming up to a phase transfer (for example, moving from primary school to secondary school), the LA must carry out the review well in advance of the move.
In Greenwich, if you are applying for a primary school:
- Parents will be supported to state their preference for a Primary School at the FS1 annual review of the EHC Plan in the Autumn term
- In December the schools will respond to the consultation and you will be informed of the outcome, If necessary, further schools will be consulted
- In January final decisions about school placement are made
- By 15th February the final EHC Plan will be sent out
If you are applying for a secondary school:
- Parents will be supported to state their preference for a secondary school at the Annual Review in Year 5 of their statement of SEN/EHC Plan
- Between the review and September of year 6, if your child has a Statements of SEN it will be converted to an EHC Plan
- You will be involved in this conversion and will receive a copy of the proposed EHC Plan
- In October of year 6 the Local Authority will consult with the schools of your preference
- In December the schools will respond to the consultation and you will be informed of the outcome, If necessary, further schools will be consulted
- In January final decisions about school placement are made
- In mid-February the final EHC Plan will be sent out
- Induction days are typically organised by secondary schools at the beginning of July, prior to secondary transfer, to give students a “taster” day of being at secondary school. Some outreach services provide additional supported sessions to aid the transition process.
See the Local Offer - Education and Schools page for more information.
Transition to Post-16
For young people transferring from secondary school to sixth form or college, the EHC plan must be reviewed and amended by 31st March in the year of transfer.
If a young person is already attending a post-16 setting and it is suggested that they move to another setting, the LA must review and amend the EHC plan at least five months before the transfer takes place.
Regulation 18 of The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Useful Links
IPSEA - Annual reviews in advance of a transfer between phases of education