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Contents of an EHCP
Section A: All about me
This is the section where the child / young person and/or their parents can write about themselves. What are their interests, hopes and dreams? What is their story so far? What makes a good day and what makes a bad day for them?
Section B: Education needs
This section gives details of the child / young person's special educational needs (e.g. communication, cognition and learning).
Section C: Health needs
This section gives details of the child / young person's health needs which relate to their special educational needs or to a disability.
Section D: Social care needs
This section gives details of the child / young person's social care needs which relate to their special educational needs or to a disability.
Section E: Outcomes
This section contains information about the outcomes for the child or young person that have been agreed and the steps needed to achieve them.
Section F: The special educational provision
This explains what is needed, what is going to happen, who is going to do it, what skills, qualifications or training they require, how often it will be made available and when it will be reviewed.
Section G: Health Provision
This section sets out any health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having special educational needs.
Section H1: Social Care Provision
This section sets out any social care provision which must be made for a child or young person under 18 resulting from Section 2 of the chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (CSDPA).
Section H2: Social Care Provision
Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having special educational needs.
Section I: Education Placement
This is where the young person or their parents/carers may express a choice about the nursery / school / college they would like the young person to attend.
Section J: Personal Budget
If a young person or their parents/carers request a personal budget, details of this will be specified here.
Section K: Reports
This section lists all of the reports and assessments that have been used to write the EHCP.
Additional Resources
IPSEA - What sections should an EHCP have?
IPSEA - What should be in the sections relating to education (Sections B and F)?